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Joint Manipulation


Joint manipulation (adjusting) is used to release restricted joints in both the spine and the extremities. Joints often become restricted due to poor posture, improper biomechanics, and/or injury. A joint that is restricted leads to excessive motion in nearby joints, which can lead to degeneration and pain. By applying an adjustment to a restricted segment, we can gain motion in that joint that couldn't be achieved with only exercise and postural correction. In addition to increased motion, adjusting also relieve pain and relaxes over-active muscles. 

For those patients that prefer a lighter technique, we also provide gentle but effective mobilizations to the restricted joint to help restore movement and function. This is a low velocity technique that does not provide the audible release (popping sound).  

Dr. Leffler and Dr. Myers use the diversified adjusting technique (manually with their hands), and can incorporate the activator tool when necessary. They provide manipulation and mobilization as taught by the Motion Palpation Institute, a biomechanically sound and evidence-based chiropractic manipulation technique. For more information visit

Joint Manipulation - Dynamic Spine in Syracuse, IN



106 E Pickwick Drive
Syracuse, IN 46567

T: 574-457-7472


  Monday: 9am-6pm
  Tuesday: 7am-6pm
Wednesday: 10am-6pm
      Thursday: 7am-5:00pm
      Friday: 7am-4pm
    Saturday: 8am-12pm

**By appointment only**

Joint Manipulation - Dynamic Spine in Syracuse, IN